A black and white portrait of a flyfisherman.



Curated by The Flyfish Journal photo editor, Copi Vojta, and featuring the work of some of our sport’s finest photographers, including Brian Grossenbacher, Tim Romano, Nick Kelley, Steven Gnam, Bryan Gregson, Adam Tavender, Val Atkinson, Rob Yaskovic, Nick Price, Adam Barker and others, “This is Us” offers fly anglers an unflinching glimpse in the mirror. What is reflected back in this compelling series of portraits is much like flyfishing itself—beautiful, hilarious, goofy, open-hearted and above all, real. What does the face of flyfishing look like in 2016? It looks like all of us.

We stink.

We think we’re funny.

We build rods, tie flies, and play music.

We somehow cleared customs.

We use curse words that haven’t even been invented yet.

We guide in jeans and wade spring runoff in flip-flops.

We nap when the fishing is slow and fish when the napping is slow.

We’re black and white and colorful.

We have a blue tarp and bungee cords in the truck.

We are fully functional in rain, snow or heat. But not wind. Wind sucks.

We cook burgers on the tailgate and never forget to pack a bottle of hot sauce…

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