
I am the Man From Nantucket…

Core FFJ staff members returned from the anual East Coast striper trip to Nantucket. The bass are in, they’re big, and ready to eat an assortment of Mushies, Clousers, Walking Sticks, and Slug-Gos (just get on with throwing softbaits and stop the moral high ground whining). They’re also enough junkyard blues around to keep the youngsters and future ex-wives happy.

If you plan on fishing Nantucket, do yourself a favor and fish with Captains Jeff and Lynne Heyer of Cross Rip Outfitters–they’ve forgotten more about bass than you’ll ever learn in twenty lifetimes.

Please plan for your trip accordingly:

Madras whale pants (leave the compound bow and face paint in Arkansas)

4 piece 9-weight

New LPs from Wilco and Son Volt

Fistfull of white Gurglers

Tire deflator

Copy/Kindle of Thoreau’s Cape Cod

Okie Noodling One or Two DVD

Case of Red Stripe


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