
Parts of the Yukon, including this halcyon stretch of the Dempster Highway, remind one of the Scottish Highlands on a brisk day. While heading ever-northward towards the Peel River in search of Arctic char fresh in from the Beaufort Sea, hitting a few from the Arctic Circle down the fairway of the 93 kilometer par 387 first hole at the Royal and Ancient Olgilvie River Golf Links proved too much to resist for our intrepid and decidedly delusional angler who claimed to have eagled (sans ball) the hole four days later as he was whisked to healing facilities in Whitehorse by Northwest Mounted Police caddy Francis Fitzgerald and club professional Farley Mowat.

Said Mowat of the man’s exploits, “The lad has a powerful, compact swing, a thorough understanding of the rudiments of the game and a fine putting stroke. I’ve never observed a player make a 12-foot putt before with an Arctic grayling. The grand game is full of wonders.” Our hero returned to his home in Montana on Lithium Airways flight 25-or-6-to-4 after a delightful six-month stay in the Watson Lake Spa and Sanatorium.


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