Attack of the Killer Smolts
Just when you thought it was safe to snap pics of yourself holding a catch smaller than your smoke, it’s back: Smolt of the Month.
We’re going to kick off August a little early and give all a full extra weekend to secure their own interweb immortality. The rules for Smolt of the Month are simple: Your fish must be fly caught, your fish must be caught by you, and your fish must be small. Not small as in ten-inch rainbows; but small as in thumbnail-sized permit, ball-park dog-sized muskie and surf perch the size of quarters. Targeting of actual smolts of sensitive species will result in said contestant being called out on this site as Smolt Molester. And no one wants to be a Smolt Molester.
There’s plenty of shots on plenty of FF sites of conquering picstores and their conquered alpha quary; give us your tiny, your micro, your barely perceptible.
Send all entries to questions@theflyfishjournal.com by midnight August 31 and we will pick a winner the following week. Notable entries will be posted over the month.
The winning smolt fisher will recieve a pair of premium Smith sunglasses, Backdrop model, from their Tech-Lite series. Winner will also recieve a FFJ shirt, stickers and a one-year subscription.
Go small or go home.