
Power Of The River

Even as his countrymen are pulling away from their roots toward the electric lure of the city, Karma “Good Karma” Tshering guides foreigners deep into Bhutan’s wilderness. There he shares the wisdom of his culture—the very last of the fading Himalayan kingdoms—hoping it’s not too late to rekindle reverence for our planet’s wildest places.

Karma hopes to keep one, just one, of his country’s rivers wild and free. A Buddhist, he doesn’t even fish. It’s a dangerous expedition onto unexplored whitewater. He has a wife, a young son, and a new baby. So why? And what makes him think he can succeed? In a land founded by a saint who rode a flying tiger, in a place where happiness is a higher goal than money, perhaps anything is possible.

Through the exploits of Karma and his hand-picked international expedition team, Power of the River will plunge to the heart of what most threatens Earth’s wild spaces—and what will most likely save them.

Please visit http://www.poweroftherivermovie.com to learn more and keep up to date with the films progress.



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