Stand Up For Clean Water
30-Day comment period now open
Stand up for clean water. It’s important. “Clean water is not political. It’s not partisan. Water runs downhill and we all live downstream. Clean water is vital for healthy populations of fish and wildlife, and for the drinking water of one in three Americans. It’s also a cornerstone of the nation’s outdoor economy, which provides millions of jobs and is now worth more than $860 billion annually.” – Trout Unlimited’s President and CEO Chris Wood on the Trump administration’s proposed repeal of parts of the 2015 Clean Water Rule.
July 27th, 2017 marks the opening of a 30-day comment period where you can voice your concerns on the EPA’s proposed rule, rescinding protections for America’s headwaters. This would allow very sensitive headwater streams and rivers to become vulnerable to development, such as oil and gas pipelines, wells and drilling operations.
Stand up for clean water today and voice your concerns. It’s easy, thanks to Trout Unlimited’s Clean Water campaign. Everything is laid out in an easy to digest format, with a pre-written message, easily edited to your liking.
It only takes a few minutes. Think about the generations of Americans who’ll benefit from having clean water. That’s pretty much all of us.