Dogs of War
Okovango Delta Tigerfishing
“Relax, chill, don’t worry, this is tigerfishing. Welcome to the real world.” -Lionel Song.
And what a real world it is, tigerfishing. I was fortunate enough to have caught a few tigers in the Okovango delta, about ten years ago. I did some shoddy internet research, borrowed a ten weight, tied some bright baitfish patterns and packed a few wire leaders. It was offseason, and the fish were few and far between. But with a good bush guide, we found the right spots and made it happen. I still get shivers thinking back to the ferocity those tigers slam a fly, and the fearless look in their eye, like any apex predator, they aren’t afraid of much.
Dogs of War, from Happy Handgrenade is what it’s all about. In the scorching hot environment of Botswana, seemingly every animal can eat you, even the tigerfish, and Tourette Fishing has the scene seemingly pretty dialed. I hope I can make it back someday.
From Happy Handgrenade: “A yearly occurance transforms the waterways of the Okavango Delta into a frenzy. A phenomenon known as the Catfish Run. We experience this event through the eyes of 3 flyfishing guides, introducing us to one of Africas most fiercest fish, the Tiger Fish.”