2018 Carp Slam Wants You!
Trouts Fly Fishing
The 2018 Denver TU Carp Slam XII is coming up on September 8th, 2018. The event takes place in the urban jungles of the Dirty South Platte, in Denver Colorado. It’s fun, and there’s still a few spots open if you’re into that sort of thing. The fine folks from Trouts Fly Fishing put together this sweet video detailing the event and all of the good things it’s doing to protect water flows for fish and wildlife in the urban South Platte.
From Trouts Fly Fishing: “Help conserve and protect this valuable urban fishery that runs right through the heart of Denver, Colorado and consider participating in this year’s Carp Slam and coming to the afterparty at Davita on September 8th, 2018. SLAMATEUR spots are still open. All of the money raised by the Carp Slam goes towards better flows or habitat improvement in the Denver South Platte. For more info, visit CarpSlam.Org“