Digital Magazine FAQs
The Flyfish Journal Digital Editions | FAQs
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How do I subscribe to the The Flyfish Journal digital issue for my iPad?
To subscribe for your iPad, go to the App store:
• Search for The Flyfish Journal
• Download The Flyfish Journal App
• Open App to buy and download subscription or single issues
Please note: To subscribe to The Flyfish Journal, you will need an iTunes account.
If I am a current member receiving the print edition of The Flyfish Journal, will I be able to access/order the digital issues for free?
We are sorry, but we do not currently have the capability to synchronize print and digital subscriptions. At this point, they are two separate subscriptions.
Can I access the digital Flyfish Journal issues on my iPad without going through iTunes?To download The Flyfish Journal digital issues for your iPad, you must have an iTunes account.
Will I be able to access my iPad digital issues on my iPhone?
At this time we do not have the capability to allow you to view The Flyfish Journal on your iPhone.
Can I access my digital edition on either the iPad or another device?
The digital edition of The Flyfish Journal is currently only available on iPad, but we are working to ad Android devices soon.
What is the cost for the digital Flyfish Journal edition on my iPad?
The App itself is free and does include a free preview of a digital edition. A single digital issue of The Flyfish Journal is $9.99US and a years subscription is $29.99. Both the single issue and the subscription may be purchased within The Flyfish Journal App.
How do I order a single digital issue of The Flyfish Journal?
You can access single copies of The Flyfish Journal through the Apps store.
Please note that any purchases of The Flyfish Journal from the App Store require an iTunes account.
Can I give an iPad digital Flyfish Journal subscription as a gift?
We do not have the capability to set up gift memberships for The Flyfish Journal’s digital edition at this time.
How do I renew my The Flyfish Journal digital subscription on iPad?
Apple will automatically renew your Flyfish Journal subscription annually using the credit card information you provided for your iTunes account. Should you want to cancel and/or not renew, you may change the default option by accessing your settings in your iTunes account under “manage your subscriptions”.
How do I switch my print membership for a digital membership for my iPad?
At this point print subscriptions and digital subscriptions are two different products and may not be interchanged.
How can I cancel my digital only subscription through The Flyfish Journal app and receive a refund for the balance of my order?
We are sorry that you may wish to cancel your membership. Memberships purchased via your iTunes account cannot be refunded. If you still choose to cancel your digital only subscription, you will continue to be able to access all issues of The Flyfish Journal through the term of your subscription.
My digital issue of The Flyfish Journal will not download, who do I contact?
First, try the following:
Ensure that you have an active Wi-fi connection:
- From the iPad home screen, tap on Settings.
- Tap on Wi-fi from the categories list on the left.
- Ensure that the Wi-fi option shows a status of On. If not, slide the “switch” to turn it on.
- Select a Wi-fi network and logon if necessary.
- Test your Internet connection in Safari.
Ensure that Notifications are enabled for the app:
- From the iPad home screen, tap on Settings.
- Tap on Notifications from the categories list on the left.
- Tap on the name of the application.
- Ensure that the Notification Center option shows a status of On. If not, slide the “switch” to turn it on.
Ensure that Automatic Downloads are enabled:
- From the iPad home screen, tap on Settings.
- Tap on Store from the categories list on the left.
- Ensure that the Automatic Downloads option for Apps shows a status of On. If not, slide the “switch” to turn it on.
- Find the Newsstand enabled app in the list, and ensure that the Automatic Downloads option shows a status of On. If not, slide the “switch” to turn it on.
If you are still having problems downloading a particular Flyfish Journal issue, please contact Apple for technical support. They should be able to help you get the full download.
Why can I only read the content in the landscape mode?
Since the iPad edition of the The Flyfish Journal is optimized for landscape mode, we have disabled the portrait mode.
Is there content that is completely exclusive to iPad?
Some interactive features are exclusive to only the iPad editions – such as the panoramic images and slideshows (Some video content might also be featured on our website.)
Is there a difference in the editorial content of the digital issue versus the print issues?
The editorial content in both the print and digital editions are the same. The digital issues may however contain more pictures and interactive features.
How do I replace a lost or missing digital issue?
To retrieve a lost or missing issue, go to the iTunes store. Select “purchase” for the issue you are trying to retrieve. You should receive a notice that you have already purchased this issue and you can select the “download” option.
Can I re-download digital issues that I’ve archived?
Yes, you can re-download archive issues on your iPad.
Do digital editions expire?
No, they are yours to keep.
Is the digital issue of The Flyfish Journal available in foreign languages?
At this time The Flyfish Journal’s digital versions are presented only in English.
Can I get an older digital edition copy of The Flyfish Journal through the App Store?
Past issues of The Flyfish Journal are available for purchase through the App Store beginning with Fall of 2011.