Syno 03

The best camera is the one you have with you. In this case it was a bright yellow waterproof point-and-shoot Minolta, scored on Craigslist. It’s small enough to keep in a wader pocket, and dummy-proof due to being a point-and-shoot. What’s not dummy-proof are steelhead anglers, fishing the same run over and over and over until, somehow, a fish happens to be there, crushes your fly and makes it all worthwhile. Photo: Copi Vojta

The best camera is the one you have with you. In this case it was a bright yellow waterproof point-and-shoot Minolta, scored on Craigslist. It’s small enough to keep in a wader pocket, and dummy-proof due to being a point-and-shoot. What’s not dummy-proof are steelhead anglers, fishing the same run over and over and over until, somehow, a fish happens to be there, crushes your fly and makes it all worthwhile.
Photo: Copi Vojta


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