What’s the best camera for a fly angler? The one you have in your hand. These days everyone has a camera phone and, it seems, everyone is using them to document fly culture. Flyfish Journal photo editor Copi Vojta has curated a collection of images that demonstrate the camera phone’s ability to tell a story, convey emotion and portray an honesty that make these phones important part of any angler’s gear bag. While the photographers in this gallery are fully capable of creating awe-inspiring images using the latest DLSR cameras, here they used the right camera at the right time—that moment when everything came together.
“The same photography teacher who taught me that art is a four-letter word also taught me that a camera is a tool. Like fly rods, some are expensive and shiny and others are worn and dull. Some cameras are light and fit in a pocket and others need a bullet/water/dog-proof case the size of a grouper. The lesson is that the moments these tools can capture aren’t dependent upon the kind of camera. No matter what you spent on your fly rod, you’ll still cast to both impossible and easy fish.”
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