Joan Wulff is not simply a flyfishing legend, she’s a national treasure. Now in her 87th year, Wulff has been flyfishing for a mere 77 years. In that time she’s won 17 national casting titles, written several books on fishing and starred in many instructional videos. With her husband Lee, Wulff founded the Wulff School of Flyfishing and has taken a leadership role in fish conservation issues. Now, as she embarks on another season of fish chasing, Wulff reflects on her remarkable career, what she calls, “an unusually happy life” and her theory that there are seven stages to becoming a complete fly angler.
“In the Catskills of New York, the Wulff School of Fly Fishing is on hiatus for the winter. The school will start its 35th year in the spring, with Joan Wulff still involved in its daily operations. The spring will also mark Wulff’s 62nd year as a professional angler and the 77th year since she first cast a fly rod.”
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above “This was taken at a national tournament in 1952 in Ohio.” Wulff recalls. “I was demonstrating distance casting form for a photographer.”
Photo: Courtesy Joan Wulff and R.L. Winston Rod Co.