Think you’re a speedy fly tier? Ready for a test? You have 30 days to tie 120 dozen flies. Your reward? A trip to flyfish Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Before you accept the challenge you should know that 120 dozen flies is an insane number of bugs. Think you can twist up about 50 per day? Fly tier Zach Wheeler did and photographer Bryan Gregson was by his side every day to document the marathon session in his photo essay, “The Whole Enchilada.” By the way, mind if I bum a caddis?

Zach Wheeler is a guide hailing from St. Anthony, ID and working out of the TroutHunter flyshop in nearby Island Park. His childhood summers were spent living in Island Park with his legendary grandma and grandpa, René and Bonnie Harrop, on the banks of the upper Henry’s Fork. His mother is renowned House of Harrop fly tier, Leslie Harrop. Indeed, Zach has flyfishing in his blood.Subscribe to start your collection of the world’s best flyfishing publication.

The Flyfish Journal Volume 5 Issue 1 Feature The Whole Enchilada

above Day One: We lived in a two-bedroom apartment above a garage. It was small, cheap and clean – qualities hard to come by in Island Park. Every day, this is how I’d see Zach: back against the couch, vise resting on a handmade, scrap-wood coffee table with the scene iulluminated by a small light.


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