Photographer Jeremy Koreski grew up beside the ocean in the fishing village of Tofino, British Columbia. The son of a commercial fisherman, Koreski grew up a surfer, spending countless hours in the bone-chilling surf. Koreski discovered photography at the age of 15 and made his name shooting his buddies, who were making names in the surf world. It wasn’t long before Koreski discovered flyfishing, and as a guy who’s spent more time in the water than on dry land, it’s been a natural fit. Koreski’s must-see images embrace the water—become part of it—and engulf the viewer into the watery world.
Jeremy Koreski is a son of the ocean.
Hailing from Tofino, a fishing village turned tourist destination on the west coast of British Columbia’s Vancouver Island, the 35-year-old photographer’s life has always been defined by water. Set on a massive inlet and surrounded by a temperate rainforest, Tofino is everything you would expect Canada’s premiere surfing destination to be—cold, wet and dripping with natural beauty.
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